This is a question from someone who bought the book May We All Heal – Playbook for Creative Healing After Loss.
“I purchased the book to participate originally…and it is still sitting. I opened it the other night but only wrote a few words. Any advice for jumping in?”
I suggest you make time every day (or every 2nd day, once a week) and put it in your diary like an appointment with yourself, let’s say for 30-60 min. Treat this like a sacred time, where nothing else can divert you for your appointment, your sacred time with yourself, with the sole purpose to dedicate time to your healing.
In the May We All Heal book you have prompts that you can follow, you may choose those or make up your own.
In a Mandala book – and part of the May We All Heal book are also paintings like those you might find in a Mandala book – just start with one.
Once you’ve chosen the topic or mandala, just start, don’t think. Let your creativity take over.
With the verbal prompts go with what drives you: writing, doodling, painting, words & writing, words & colours… it does not have to become anything specific, you don’t even have to like it or make it pretty, it’s just about the process of allowing what’s already there inside of you.
You will find that by spending time dedicated to yourself and your healing you give yourself a gift. I can’t tell you what will come up.
Be conscious about your thoughts when doing this. Notice whether you judge, either your creativity (or apparent lack thereof), the process, yourself… Then, instead of continuing with the judgmental thoughts, like you would with a child you practice compassion and acceptance of what is.
During the month of May we join as a community and follow the prompts, one per day. Having said this, you can follow the prompts any time during the year. If you like, you might want to find someone to join you and do it together. This might be helpful as you can exchange experiences and support one another.
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