It's been 11 years since Aubrey and Ellie died. Because I've spent more than a decade writing transparently about the reality of grief and healing, I am often asked to speak about my journey. I've done hundreds of talks ranging from sharing the details of my personal story to deeper topics like … [Read more...]
Lesson 9: Healing is Not Betrayal
Healing is Not Betrayal In the beginning, my love for Aubrey and Ellie was reflected in my pain. All you had to do was take one look at my tear-covered face and it was clear how much those little girls meant to me. As I made progress in my healing something strange started to happen; healing … [Read more...]
Lesson 1: Borrowing Hope
In the early years of my grief, I learned to borrow hope. That means, when I just couldn't see how life would ever be ok again, I looked for others who had been through loss and were now role models of hope and healing. I borrowed from people who had gone before me. I poured over their books, blogs, … [Read more...]