It's been 11 years since Aubrey and Ellie died. Because I've spent more than a decade writing transparently about the reality of grief and healing, I am often asked to speak about my journey. I've done hundreds of talks ranging from sharing the details of my personal story to deeper topics like … [Read more...]
Grief Mask
My daughter in her Grief Girl mask. Her mask gives her as much solace and comfort as it does power. She takes it on and off, in need and when playing. It is a place for her, a place to create; a whole new person, a dance, images like this one. She has been grieving almost as long as I have, 3 days … [Read more...]
Sometimes I don’t have the words. They are heavy to form, heavy to come by, heavy to express. I feel like I am under water, trying to speak and undefined sounds come out. They don’t even form in my brain.Grief has had this effect on me. Whenever my life becomes griefheavy, I shut down on some … [Read more...]
Captured Moments
Moments, captured, kept, protected.I always liked taking pictures but didn’t really take many. About 10 months after Tapio died, I learned that taking pictures eases my anxiety, so this is one of my go to activities on those days. I go out and take photos intentionally when I need a relief and … [Read more...]
His ~Magic~
There are so many things that I don’t remember.I don’t remember how it felt before grief took over; how relationships and life in general influenced my emotional and mental state then. Was I always happy and content? Was my mind not as occupied? I honestly don’t remember. It is probably more … [Read more...]