What does Downton Abbey have to do with Grief Theories? This article is not about Downton Abbey per se but shows examples of what we see and hear in mainstream TV shows, the things that get taught and what we come to believe about grief. Not all the statements are 'bad' as you will see but some … [Read more...]
On Coming Alive – 5 Things To Know When You’re Facing Challenges Right Now
At the beginning of the year, I received a message from Lexi Behrnt, a fellow loss mum, asking me to join a new project, she was putting together on her website Scribbles & Crumbs. I had been aware of Lexi's spirit, her way of crafting with words, her fierceness in healing from the loss of her … [Read more...]
October – Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month
Most of you know that October is International SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month (and also Breast Cancer Awareness Month). In this blog post I'll share some of the history and meaning for our community, and provide a resource of events and projects you can take part, if you wish, to … [Read more...]
Writing Christmas Cards
This week I received a few Christmas cards, one of which was this one shown in the picture. I do not expect people to mention Amya, less so now after 3 years. I noticed that my friend's thought to mention her touched me deeply.The first Christmas was different and I would recommend what … [Read more...]
Writing Cards
Writing a card for a baby who died? If yes, what shall I write? I don't want to upset the parents... Today, this great and important question reached me by email.I have a friend who has just given birth to twins very prematurely. One of them was unfortunately born dead and the surviving twin … [Read more...]