It's been 11 years since Aubrey and Ellie died. Because I've spent more than a decade writing transparently about the reality of grief and healing, I am often asked to speak about my journey. I've done hundreds of talks ranging from sharing the details of my personal story to deeper topics like … [Read more...]
I don’t know how to live anymore
On a recent post on the Grieving Parents Facebook page there was a fellow mother commenting on the image (right) with the statement: I don't know how to live anymore. Here is my answer: Learning to live again after the loss of a child/baby or loved one takes time AND effort. Like someone said: … [Read more...]
How To Go On After Loss
The question so many bereaved parents have asked me.I recently wrote on Instagram: Did you know that your a grief warrior? Not that fighting off grief would make you a warrior, no. It's the ability to endure the intensity of all the emotions surrounding the loss that makes you a warrior. It … [Read more...]
Remember Siblings That Passed
A while ago I had a conversation with a 30 year old woman. She told me her mother lost 2 children around/on Christmas, before she was born. One was a baby, born prematurely and the other was her brother, 8 years old at the time, who died from a lung infection. She was the rainbow baby, born about … [Read more...]
Downton Abbey Grief Theory Part 2
What does Downton Abbey have to do with Grief Theories? This article is not about Downton Abbey per se but shows examples of what we see and hear in mainstream TV shows, the things that get taught and what we come to believe about grief. Not all the statements are 'bad' as you will see but some … [Read more...]